The Funky Bunch - Episode 9 Recap
Episode 9: The Funky Bunch In Episode 9, The Funky Bunch, Isabel interviews a pet sitting, podcasting couple of parents, Collin and...

Dog Minded - Episode 8 Recap
Episode 8: Dog Minded In Episode 8, Isabel interviews her dear friend and former business partner, Beth Wherry Acker. Since they decided...

Deanna's Dog House - Episode 7 Recap
Episode 7: Deanna's Dog House In Episode 7 of Covered in Pet Hair, Isabel chats with a person that loves dogs so much, she goes as far as...

Witches Brew - Episode 6 Recap
Episode 6: Witches Brew In Episode 6, Wendy Van de Poll, international best selling author, intuitive, and pet lover shares her...

Just a Chicago Girl - Episode 5 Recap
Episode 5 - Just a Chicago Girl In Episode 5, Jessica Abernathy, President of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters,...